Collective Worship
At Hampreston, Collective Worship is an integral part of our community. The whole school meets daily to learn, sing and reflect together. Children and staff join in lively discussions and activities led by the headteacher, teachers, pupils and our wonderful team from St Mary's, Ferndown, and All Saints', Hampreston churches.
We also celebrate the children's wonderful work and other key moments in our weekly Celebration Collective Worship.
Collective worship is not just our daily 'assemblies' but forms part of our whole school culture as we provide space for children to explore the awe and wonder of our world.
Church Values
“Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.”
Matthew 7:7-8
As a church school, we aim to nurture the spiritual, cultural, moral, and social development of the children and to foster mutual respect and responsibility. We are a high-achieving school, but also an inclusive school, taking pride in the progress of every child, whatever their level of ability.
We aspire to walk together in hope along the Hampreston pathway, guided by our Christian Values of Respect and Service, Uniqueness and Creativity, and Aspiration and Service. We strive to enable children to use their educational keys to open doors and unlock their full potential, regardless of their starting points. We aim to look through windows into the wider world and reflect upon the big questions of life by looking at ourselves in the mirror. We seek to develop global citizens who are ready for the challenges of a fast-paced, evolving society.
These are opportunities to look out on the world to gaze in wonder. These are the WOW and HOW moments. These are the things that inspire us and motivate us to be better people.
Encounter: Learning about Life
These are opportunities for children to reflect, to look inward and to consider some of the big questions of life. These provide opportunities to explore their own insights and those of others.
Reflection: Learning from Life
These are the opportunities for children to respond, to creatively express their thoughts and convictions. These are opportunities for children to move on and reflect.
Transformation: Learning to put belief into action