Our History and Traditions

We are very proud of the long-standing traditions of our Christian village school.

​Harvest Festival

We celebrate Harvest every year with a service at Hampreston Church led by Year 4 children.  We traditionally raise money to support Jaiden our 'Compassion Child'.  Children present some of their Harvest gifts to our Vicar, in church which is then donated to a local food project.   This year we donated to Ferndown Community Food Bank.

​Walk to School Day

Once every term, we all meet at Haskins at 8.15 a.m. and walk to school together.  This involves crossing the fields behind the Church and is a sociable and healthy way to start our day.  On this day, children do not need to bring their lunch-boxes, as we provide and prepare a “healthy lunch” which we all sit down and enjoy together.  This also gives the children a chance to try new foods.


As we celebrate the Christmas season, our Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children work together to perform a sensational Nativity play. This is a wonderful chance for them to begin flexing their performance skills. 

​Christingle Service

On the last day of the autumn term, children from across the school lead a Christingle Service at Hampreston Church, attended by the whole school and parents.  This is a very moving occasion as the children leave the church with their lighted Christingles.  Children break up for their holiday reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.  

Pancake Race

Each Year 4 child participates in this annual race which takes place along the church drive.  The headteacher rings the bell to signal the start of each heat and the final. Children flip their pancakes three times en route and the winner is presented with a magnificent shield.

​Easter Service

The Easter service takes place in Hampreston Church on the final afternoon of the spring term.  This service is led by Year 4 children and parents and friends are invited to attend.  Children are presented with a palm cross as a reminder of the significance of Easter. As part of our Easter celebrations we also have an Easter egg hunt and an Easter egg decorating competition.​

​Summer Play

This is one of the highlights of our year.  Every child in Key Stage 2 is involved in this production. A retiring collection is made at the end of each performance and the money raised is given to a local charity.

​Leavers’ Service

On the last day of the summer term, our Year 4 leavers lead worship.  This is a very moving occasion and celebrates the time the children have spent at Hampreston School.  Each Year 4 leaver rings the bell for the last time at the end of the service. Year 4 parents are invited to attend.



In 1986 the BBC launched an ambitious project to record a snapshot of everyday life across the UK for future generations. A million volunteers took part, here is the entry for our school; 

The school was originally housed in a thatched cottage about 2 miles from it's present site.The local vicar requested a day school as well as the existing Sunday School. In 1874 the school moved to Hampreston.  Housed in what was once the caretaker's house,  there is a kitchen area and 2 bedrooms used for storage.  

The school has 74 pupils and 3 full time teachers.The children's education begins at four and a half and at the  age of nine they leave the school. As a church school either the vicar or the curate visits the school weekly. The Parents Association have given the school a video, climbing frame and music centre. Parents may attend the first lesson each day with their children. Mothers help teach cookery and sewing.