First Aiders

The school’s appointed first aiders are:

Mr T Williams, Mrs S Bennett, Mrs N Jordan, Mrs H Hobbs, Mrs S Woodfield & Miss G Woodfield.

They are responsible for:

• Taking charge when someone is injured or becomes ill

• Ensuring there is an adequate supply of medical materials in first aid kits, and replenishing the contents of these kits

• Ensuring that an ambulance or other professional medical help is summoned when appropriate First aiders are trained and qualified to carry out the role (see section 7) and are responsible for:

• Acting as first responders to any incidents; they will assess the situation where there is an injured or ill person, and provide immediate and appropriate treatment

• Sending pupils home to recover, where necessary

• Filling in an accident report on the same day, or as soon as is reasonably practicable, after an incident (see the template in appendix 2)

• Keeping their contact details up to date Our school’s appointed person(s) and/or first aiders are also listed in appendix 1. Their names will also be displayed prominently around the school.


Where a child has been prescribed medication but is well enough to attend school, it is expected that this medication can be given outside of school hours. However, medication will be administered where the dosage requires it (i.e. where 4 or more doses are required per day). A medicine administration form must be completed by parents before any medicines can be administered in school. These are available from the school office. All medicines must be in their original container with the correct prescription label, including dosage. Medicines should then be collected at the end of the day by parents and on no account can this task be delegated to the children.

For children requiring Inhalers or auto-injectors, these should be clearly marked with the child’s name. A consent form should also be completed before medication is administered in line with the child’s health plan.

Please note that we are not able to give medicine, such as painkillers, at our own, or the child’s discretion.

Medical Checks - School Nursing Team

During a child’s first term in school, the school nurse carries out various health checks. These include vision, hearing, height and weight. Any referrals e.g. bed-wetting, audiology or speech therapy, as well as general problems such as eating patterns and head lice, can be discussed with the school nurse at the “drop-in” sessions held at school.