
From September 2020 it became statutory for all schools to teach relationships and sex education/RSE and Health Education/ HE.

At Hampreston, we see this as an opportunity to teach the children about positive relationships both within school and outside of school. It is an important area of the curriculum to ensure that children: understand healthy friendships and relationships; know how to keep themselves safe from abuse; understand how families might be different from one another; understand their own physical and mental well-being; begin to learn some basic first aid.

As a Christian school, it is important to us to ensure that we retain our Christian ethos whilst preparing our children for the wider world. With this in mind, we have carefully considered our approaches to the aforementioned topics. We have ensured that the curriculum is planned to be age appropriate to meet the needs of our children, and have chosen to use the SCARF Relationship scheme of work. We feel that this approach is gentle but robust enough to ensure that children most importantly know how to keep themselves safe and understand the role of positive relationships for them and for others.

As a first school, our children only reach the age of 9 during their time at Hampreston, and as such, we have decided that because sex education is advisory at Primary School Level (up to age 11), we will take the approach to Sex Education that it should focus primarily on teaching children the correct body names and why these parts are private.

PSHE Curriculum

  • Children are encouraged to engage in activities that promote an understanding of themselves as growing and changing individuals, and as members of a wider community, based on their own first hand experiences. These activities also encourage pupils to understand how their choices and behaviours can affect others. They are encouraged to play and learn alongside – then collaboratively with – their peers. They may use their personal and social skills to develop or extend these activities. Children are also given the opportunity to make choices about their health and environment and are encouraged to develop a caring attitude towards others.

  • At Hampreston First School we use SCARF, a comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE and Wellbeing education. An overview of SCARF can be found in our appendices. It covers all of the DfE's new statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education, including non-statutory Sex Education, and the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study’s recommended learning opportunities, as well as contributing to different subject areas in the National Curriculum.

    We follow the six suggested half-termly units and adapt the scheme of work where necessary to meet the local circumstances of our school, for example, we may use our local environment as the starting point for aspects of our work. The school council are also consulted as part of our planning, to ensure pupil voice in considered and fed into the planned programme.

    Our PSHE subject lead, Lucy Al-Masri, works in conjunction with teaching staff in each year group and is responsible for ensuring that all staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills and resources to deliver PSHE and RSE confidently. Teachers can access a range of teaching support resources within SCARF, including guidance documents and teacher training films. Any teacher wanting further support should contact the PSHE and RSE subject lead in the first instance to discuss their training needs.

    Class teachers follow the suggested six half termly units provided by SCARF for each year. Lessons can be a weekly standalone PSHE or RSE lesson or be cross-curricular. The lesson plans list the specific learning objectives for each lesson and provide support for how to teach the lessons; class teachers and our PSHE and RSE lead often discuss this on an informal basis.

    We have chosen SCARF as our PSHE and RSE resource because the lessons build upon children’s prior learning; we have assessed the content and feel that it is relevant and sensitive to the needs of the children. There is planned progression across the SCARF scheme of work, so that children are increasingly and appropriately challenged as they move up through the school. Assessment is completed by the class teacher using the SCARF Summative Assessment ‘I can…’ statements, alongside the lesson plan learning outcomes to demonstrate progression of both skills and knowledge.

  • Teachers are at liberty to decide the most appropriate way to monitor, evaluate and assess each PSHE topic as this may differ between topics. The three methods of monitoring and assessing learning within PSHE at Hampreston First School are:

    SCARF Progress - For each of the six units we carry out a specially designed pre- and post-unit assessment activity. Conducted twice, first at the beginning of the unit to determine where the children are at; and then again at the end of the unit, enabling us to monitor progress, record key points and identify areas for further development. This both teacher and child to see what progress has been made over the course of each half-termly unit of lesson plans.

    SCARF Success - At the end of a unit, we consider a range of ‘I can' statements, which summarise children’s learning against the unit's key learning outcomes.

    Wearing my SCARF -This approach encourages children to reflect personally on their learning. They can record what they found helpful, thought-provoking, challenging and where their learning might take them to next. This also plays a key role in helping us to evaluate the programme.

    The monitoring of the standards of children’s work and of the quality of PSHE education is the responsibility of the PSHE subject lead. The work of the subject lead also involves supporting colleagues in the teaching of PSHE education and being informed about current developments in the subject.